Yoga Nidra - Deep Relaxation


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About Yoga Nidra

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Guided Meditative Relaxation for deep renewal and expansion.

Yoga Nidra is a systematic form of deep relaxation that actively fosters profound physical, mental, and emotional relaxation.

It has been shown to decrease stress, release past trauma, improve sleep, lower blood pressure, and increase overall sense of health and well-being. It enhances creativity and creates conditions for people to find their own solutions to issues through access to higher wisdom and intuition.

While resting in a place similar to those moments we all experience right before falling asleep or just as we wake up, our minds become more receptive and able to release and transform deep seated tensions that tend to remain out of reach during waking hours, or even during sleep.

Much of the effectiveness lies in the fact that it works on a person’s system at multiple levels simultaneously.  For example, it relaxes the body, retrains the breath and creates a nurturing brainwave pattern all in one process.

It is very easy to participate in Yoga Nidra, all you have to do is lie down, get comfortable and listen to be guided into a state of supreme relaxation.